You may have noticed that most Louis Vuitton bags and wallets have a series of numbers and/or letters imprinted somewhere on the inside. Louis Vuitton handbags have "date codes" stamped either on interior tags or directly on the interior linings. These date codes simply serve to identify the manufacturing location and date for a Louis Vuitton handbag, not to verify it's authenticity. All authentic Louis Vuitton handbags since the early 1980's have date codes. Date codes are a series of numbers and letters that represent the date the bag was made and the factory where it was made. These date codes are all font specific. This means that they are all done in a font specific to Louis Vuitton. Let me share with you what those letters and numbers mean.
If there is no date code found anywhere on the inside of your Louis Vuitton bag or wallet, there may be two reasons for this. Firstly, the item could have been manufactured before 1980's, when there was only ‘LOUIS VUITTON’ stamping instead. Or, secondly, if the inside lining is of a soft material, the date code can be worn off.
Early 1980s

Louis Vuitton started stamping some bags in the early 1980s. A date code from this time period could consist of 3 or 4 numbers. Three numbers with the first two numbers representing the year and the last number(s) representing the month of manufacture. As per example above, we know that the date code represents manufacturing occurred in 1983 of the 4th month of the year.

For some 1980s and for all bags 1987-1989, the date code will be 3 or 4 numbers followed by 2 letters. The first two numbers indicate the year and the last number indicates the month. The two letters indicate the factory or location of where the bag was made. Please refer to the country codes below for corresponding letters.
Example, the date code in the above picture reads 8907 VI. This date code stands for 1989 in the 7th month of the year. The bag was constructed in France, as VI represents a factory located in France.

From 1990 to 2006, date codes are 2 letters followed with 4 numbers. The letters represent the factory, the first and third numbers represent the month and the second and fourth number represents the year.
Using the image above as an example, FL1003 stands for United States due to the FL. 10 represents the 10th month (October), and 03 stands for 2003.

Two letters followed by four numbers. The letters indicate the factory. The first and third numbers indicate the week of the year and the second and fourth numbers indicate year of manufacturing.
Using the above example, CA4171, we know that this item was made in Spain, due to the CA. And, it was constructed in the 47th week of the year 2011.
For our reference, let's look at the LV Country Code Letters.
Louis Vuitton Country Code Letters
France - A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS, AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, BU, DR, DT, DU, CO, CT, ET, FL, LW, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SA, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TJ, TH, TN, TR, TS, VI, VX
Italy - BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, PL, RC, RE, SA, TD
United States - FC, FH, LA, OS, SD, FL
Spain - CA, LO, LB, LM, LW, GI
Switzerland - DI, FA
Germany - LP
Louis Vuitton introduces new country codes over time. If your bag dates are very much newer, there is a highly likelihood that the country code may not be updated in the above list. Then, you may need to check with LV Customer Service for more details.