Wednesday 1 June 2016

Designer Bag Directory : Which Louis Vuitton Bag suits you?

Who doesn't adore LV bags? Most celebrities do. Even though the brand was founded in the 1800s, LV still hold strong in setting trends and pushing fashion forward in handbag industry. Hence, making it a stark mandatory for every woman out there to own any of the LV masterpiece.

LV classic lines are known for their incredible durability, making these some of the most sought after vintage pieces around the world. Are you up for their classic vintage options?  Here are some of the most popular designs that are still valued by vintage hunters everywhere. No matter what your desire, Louis Vuitton has a range of classic, modern and vintage bags for you! But hold on, which one is best for you? Let's take a look at some choices...

The Keepall

The iconic Keepall made its debut in 1924. Designed as an overnight stay bag, the Keepall modernized travel luggage and its design features continue to influence weekend bags sold today. Features of the Keepall include a leather ID tag, and the bag is available in 3 sizes – 45, 55, 60 (measure in cm). The Keepall is a unisex bag, and is often used today as a hardy carry on luggage for aeroplanes.

Suitable for: Frequent Fliers.

The Speedy

In 1965 the Speedy 30 was introduced following the success of the Keepall overnight bag. As the name suggests, this was a 30 cm sized version. It was designed due to a special order placed by Audrey Hepburn, who became the unofficial face of Louis Vuitton, after being photographed continuously with the Speedy 25. Today the Speedy is available in 4 sizes – 25, 30, 35, 40cm, and in a wide range of different leathers, and patterns. The Speedy was the first everyday travel handbag created by Louis Vuitton, and was originally called the ‘Express’ due to the era’s passion for new and quicker means of transportation.

Suitable for: Anyone who is a minimalist but still needs a big bag, big enough to carry all those necessary stuff. 

 The Noe

In 1932, the ‘Noe’ design made its debut, due to a request by a producer of champagne for a bag that could carry 5 bottles of champagne!  The Noe bag fits four bottles of champagne upright, and one bottle the middle upside down. Today the drawstring bag is a popular everyday bag, worn by women all over the globe and comes in 2 sizes – the ‘Noe’ & ‘Petite Noe’.

Suitable for: Picnic lovers, of course! But, I don't discount the shopaholics! 

 The Lockit

In 1958, the ‘Lockit’ bag was created as part of a light luggage line. The name refers to the design elements of how the bag closes – a leather patch with a padlock on the side of the bag, allowing you to ‘lock it’. Louis Vuitton’s padlocks were favoured amongst the elite & wealthy due to the ‘non pick lock’ design, helping them protect their goods from thieves.

Suitable for: Anyone living in a big, dangerous city. Or basically just anyone who is conscious about protecting their sentimental-valued stuff from being stolen.

 The Alma

Created in 1934, the Alma bag is one of Louis Vuitton’s most iconic bags, available in a range of different leathers and prints. The Alma was originally called the ‘Squire bag’ but was renamed after ‘Place de L’Alma’ – the pretty tree-lined square in Paris where the Avenue Montaigne meets the Seine. Made with functionality in mind, the Alma is extremely spacious wide opening bag. With double zips, it also features two inside compartments. It’s the perfect work to evening bag, and is one of Louis Vuitton’s most popular design,s second to the Speedy.

Suitable for: Ladylike and "elegant conscious" Chic. 

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